Consulting services dedicated to proving purpose and profit can go hand in hand.


Does purpose in ​business pay?

Balancing purpose and profit is ​increasingly favoured by consumers, ​employees, and stakeholders. ​Businesses are now expected to do ​good while making a profit, reflecting a ​shift in the social license to operate. It ​is possible to align purpose and profit ​successfully.

How do we know ​this?

We know this at a cellular level. But if ​you need data points, a recent Harvard ​Business Survey highlighted that ​companies with a strong sense of ​purpose experience a 30% increase in ​revenue compared to those without, on ​account of customer and employee ​loyalty.

Why does this ​matter?

The statistics indicate a growing ​necessity for traditional businesses and ​NFP models to evolve.

Being solely purpose-driven or profit-​driven is insufficient.

To succeed and compete for talent and ​consumer share, businesses must ​balance both aspects effectively.

"A company cannot achieve long-term profits without ​embracing purpose and considering the needs of a broad range ​of stakeholders...

Ultimately, purpose is the engine of long-term profitability."

Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock

Helping hands

Profit & purpose go hand-in-hand

In today's VUCA world, prioritising purpose is not just a moral decision but a strategic necessity. It requires ​significant investment to ensure purpose is not only integrated into your policies but also into the way you conduct ​business.

Some common challenges our clients seek assistance with include:

  • Building the business case and gaining commitment to a plan
  • Implementing ESG practices in business and digital operations
  • Developing sustainable business models, value chains, products, and services
  • Assessing your business impacts on community, customer and employee experience
  • Implementing and managing change through collaborative design processes.

How can we help?

Change with ​Purpose

Starting or progressing towards purposeful ​goals can seem overwhelming. We assist in ​strategising and planning for the necessary ​people, process, and technology changes ​to ease the transition for your business, ​staff, customers, and community.

Compass on purple background. Concept signs symbols.
Building Blocks on Purple Background

Design with Purpose

We support teams in building innovative services, products, and ​businesses by understanding customer needs through design thinking. ​Starting with open minds, research, and real-world problems leads to ​effective & positively impactful solutions.

Engage with ​Purpose

Corporate citizenship programs often ​involve reporting, donations, and ​volunteering, but purposeful business goes ​beyond what you do. It is how and why you ​do it. We can support you with embedding ​purpose in your culture, operationalising it ​in your value chain & engaging ​stakeholders throughout.

Woman in Purple Dress Raising Her Hands

How do we work?

Marissa Aliferis

Founder &

Managing Director

With over 20 years of global experience, Marissa is a change maker committed to creating ​a more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive future. Her experience in complex business & ​digital transformations, including operating model, regulatory & culture change, puts her ​in good stead for the demands of the global transition to more sustainable & responsible ​business practices.

Through a network of great people who share a purpose centric passion, we bring ​consultancy and facilitation services to businesses, community groups, NFPs and ​government bodies looking to serve their clients & communities with purpose.

We believe we find purpose by learning about what is most important to the users of our ​services, products or technology and involving them in answering the 'what', 'why', 'when', ​'where' and 'how' questions.

Let's work together.

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